
  • cesario rui Callou Filho Faculdade Vale do Salgado- FVS
  • Allan Hudson Sobreira Pereira
  • Aline Bandeira Vasconcelos





The functional assessment instrument of the lumbar spine named Oswestry Disability Index is among the more specific questionnaires, and for this reason it is possible to characterize it in association with other variables or in relation with the factors that interfere with the pain status of backache. This study is characterized in describing the use of Oswestry index on the influence of pain, physical activity practice, age and smoking on chronic low back pain in university students. This was a quantitative and cross-sectional study, which was developed with students, regardless of gender, aged between 18 and 59 years and who practiced sport activity. Data collection took place individually in a private room under ethical approval with registration number 1.819.509. At the end of this study, we found the totality of n=186 individuals; with an amount of n=143 aged between 18 and 26 years; for the female gender, n=147 students; for marital status, n=161 reported being single; as for skin color, n=76 declared to be brown; and for the course, there was a greater frequency of students that reported they were attending Physiotherapy, with n=88. Regarding the pain status, the totality pointed out they felt pain, of these n=103 reported having mild pain and minimal disability. This research suggests that we should investigate why young/adults feel pain in the spine region, as well as why the relationship between age and smoking habit constitutes variables that are related to disability, since almost everyone surveyed practices physical activity.

KEY-WORDS: Low Back Pain; Exercise; Students; International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health.


Biografia do Autor

cesario rui Callou Filho, Faculdade Vale do Salgado- FVS

Docente da Faculdade Vale do Salgado- FVS. Coordenador do Grupo de Estdo em Saúde Coletiva- GESC.


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